
Product 產品介紹 - Graphic
Product 產品介紹 - Graphic
Graphic - NT7963
Part No. common segment Controller Logic Voltage LCD Driver Voltage Duty Package
NT7963 - - YES 2.7~5.5V - 1/16~1/128 LQFP-67L, LQFP-64L
The NT7963 is an LCD controller designed to be used with LCD control driver LSIs and data 
display memories. The device has an 8-bit parallel data bus and control lines for reading or 
writing through a MPU interface. 
It has a 128 words character generator ROM which can control an external display RAM of up 
to 64 Kbytes. Allocation of text, graphic and external character generator RAM can be made 
easily and the display window can be moved freely within the allocated memory range. 
The device supports a very board range of LCD formats be allowing selection of different 
combinations via set of programmable inputs. It can be used in text, graphic and combination 
text-and-graphic modes, and includes various attribute functions.
•Display    format    (pin-selectable) 
Columns:    32,    40,    64,    80 
Lines:    2,    4,    6,    8,    10,    12,    14,    16 
The    combination    of    number    of    columns    and    number    of    lines    must    not    cause    the    frequency    to 
exceed    10    MHz. 
•Character    font    (pin-selectable) 
Horizontal    dots:    5,    6,    7,    8 
Vertical    dots:    8    (fixed) 
It    is    necessary    to    set    a    character    font    in    Graphic    mode    just    as    in    Text    mode.    The    oscillation
frequency    does    not    change    with    the    font    selection. 
•Display    duty:    1    /    16    to    1    /    128 
•A    128−word    character    generator    ROM    is    built    in    as    standard. 
•External    display    memory:    64    KB    max 
The    addresses    in    display    memory    of    the    text    area,    graphic    area    and    external    character 
generator    area    are    determined    by    software. 
•Read    or    Write    operations    from    the    CPU    do    not    disturb    the    display. 
•A    crystal    oscillator    circuit    is    built    in.    The    oscillation    frequency    is    adjusted    according    to    the 
display    size.    If    using    an    external    clock,    use    the    XI    pin    as    the    clock    input.    (XO    open.) 
External    capacitors    Crystal    oscillation:    20    to    30    pF 
Ceramic    oscillation:    30    to    100    pF 
Built    in    feedback    resistor:    1MΩ    (typ.) 
•NT7086    can    be    connected    to    the    device. 
•External    display    RAM    must    be    static    RAM.    The    NT7963    cannot    refresh    D-RAM. 
•The    attribute    functions    can    only    be    used    in    Text    mode.    They    cannot    be    used    in    Graphic    or 
Combination    Character    mode. 
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